Editing a library item

Editing a library item changes the original item file. Dreamweaver lets you choose to update the edited item in all documents in the current site.

To edit a library item:

1 Choose Window > Library or click Library on the Launcher.
2 Select a library item and click Edit, or double-click the item.
Dreamweaver opens a new window for editing the library item
3 Edit the library item and close the window.
4 In the dialog box that appears, choose whether to update the documents on the local site with the edited library item. Choose Yes to update all documents in the local site with the edited library item. Choose No to not change any documents until you use Modify > Library > Update Current Page or Update Entire Site.

Another way to edit a library item is to change the item in the HTML inspector or an editor such as BBEdit and then use the Recreate option in the Property inspector.